

What it is about

Fowl play.

Chicken dance, goose step, turkey trot, that sort of thing.

How it was written

4 distinct sections: a bluesy bit, a poppy bit and two reggae bits, spliced together, plus a drum-only ending.

It was not designed that way, it just worked out like that. Initially it started by combining two 4-bar blues and pop riffs together. For some strange reason the image they invoked was of chickens dancing (don't ask). Since these were chirpy cheerful pieces it seemed appropriate to run them at a fast tempo which eventually worked out at a frantic 192 bpm.

Chicken dance

Squawk chicken (0:10)
Squawk chicken bass
Squawk chicken bass

If you like the image of chickens dancing, try this.

Hen party

Squawk hen (0:15)
Squawk hen bass
Squawk hen bass

Looking for ways to develop the piece took an awful long time until, one day, the image of chickens dancing naturally lead to the idea of hens dancing which provoked the idea of changing the rhythm. Hens obviously dance slower than chickens because they are older.

Rooster tail

Squawk rooster (0:20)
Squawk rooster bass
Squawk rooster bass

Thinking about hens naturally lead to roosters and, bingo, that had to be a slow reggae tempo. Halving the tempo to a leisurely 96bpm does the trick.

Combining all the sections together in a deliberate stop-start manner led to the final piece.

If any of this makes sense then you are probably a fellow musician. Otherwise it probably confirms your suspicion that all artists are fruitcakes.

Tech spec

Title: Squawk

Key: A

Tempo: 192bpm

Length: 3' 13"

Track 1: nylon guitar

Track 2: muted guitar

Track 4: steel guitar

Track 4: fretless bass

Track 5: percussion

Track 6: drumset

Genre: Pop, Rock